Tuesday, March 9, 2010

stillness moves

the stillness moves
simmering bubbling frothing
in the eye
of the hurricane
the stillness moves
red hot and cold blue
untouched unmoved unattached
in the eye
of the hurricane
stillness moves
bursting spraying spreading
random thoughts feelings
sometimes scalding
sometimes freezing
never soothing
the eye
of the hurricane


WritingsForLife said...

the stillness... I hate it. In a way i think it is a good thing that it moves.

Good one!

Shoonyata said...

Thanks Raaji....I actually enjoy stillness, usually it is a balm...this one, it is different :)
Nice new pic!

мєggσ! said...

Your poetry is really cool! I think that you should consider joining this website --> http://www.deviantart.com/
I don't know if you've heard of it before, but there is a really great environment and tons of people who would enjoy reading your literature on there. It's pretty easy to figure out..... I hope that you consider!!! Really liked this poem btw. ;]